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La Ceinture fléchée | The arrow sash | Aienkwire atiatahna
Release date : 2014
Publisher : Éditions Hannenorak
Pages: 50
Languages : French, English, Mohawk
ISBN : 9782923926124
8.75 x 6.35 in
Price : 22,95 $
Inspired by the English-language Why Books model, this beautifully illustrated documentary with collages made by the author opens with a question from a child eager to learn more about the sash. The grandmother of this one, with answers all more informative and colourful than the others, manages to pique his curiosity. The explanations that flow through the pages demystify the origin, meanings and uses of this object from the Iroquoian peoples. This is the first book in a series on the anthropology of clothing among the First Nations. La ceinture fléchée / The Arrow Sash / Aienkwire atiatahna is trilingual, offering versions in French, English as well as Mohawk, a language of the Iroquoian family.