Marianne Chénard : Phenomena

Marianne Chénard: Phenomena

Starting May 13, 2024

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Alchemists are inspired by the fundamental principle according to which minerals and most inorganic matter are gifted a type of “life”, Like animated creatures, these substances had the possibility to evolve within the earth, to go through a series of transformations that allow them to pass from an imperfect stage to a perfect one. (6)


Phenomena, exhibition view. 2024
Phenomena, exhibition view. 2024
Phenomena Feu, detail. 2024

In parallel to the thoughts of the first chemist, the artist is also interested in the transformative aspect of art creation with a given matter, in its philosophical and relational components, as well as its living qualities. However, she rejects the obsessive control of each step of transmutation.

In this series, Marianne Chénard explores many aspects of the four elements in action in the transformation of ceramic material. She is interested in the relationship and interactions created by each phenomenon and the way all of those elements intermingle and how the viewer is surrounded by a set of connections.

About the artist

Marianne Chénard is a pluridisciplinary artist whose work revolves around video, photography and ceramics. She holds a bachelors in fine arts from Vancouver’s Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design and a masters from the New York State College of Ceramics of Alfred University in the state of New York. Her works have been exhibited in many collective and solo exhibits in Canada and internationally and is a part of the collection of the Alfred Ceramic Art Museum and Musée des métiers d’art du Québec. Her work evokes the human perception of nature, with a special focus on human actions on the environment. She explores each of the elements of ceramics (water, earth, fire and air) and the steps of its transformation.


6  Historical and critical essays on hermetic philosophy.

Louis Figuier was a French chemist and writer on occult subjects, specializing in the popularizing of science, mainly physiology and medical chemistry. He published many notable works and was equally distinguished for his prodigious output and literary quality.

Translated from the ancient alchemist text "L’alchimie et les alchimistes". Figuier, Louis (Guillaume) (1819-1894) ." Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology. . (April 16, 2021). /figuier-louis-guillaume-1819-1894


Photos: Exhibition views, 2024. © La Guilde