Ting-Fen Chin


    Originally from Taiwan, silversmith Ting-Fen Chin lives in Montreal. She trained in Art and Cultural Mediation in Taiwan and France. She then completed jewellery training at the École des Métiers du Sud-Ouest-de-Montréal (2020), specializing in creating teapots and silver jewellery. Ting-Fen Chin's artistic approach focuses on forging, an ancient silversmithing technique. She specializes in crafting fine silver teapots in a single piece, without soldering, by progressive stamping of the metal plates. This process requires patience and careful planning, with numerous annealing and stamping sessions. Through this practice, she establishes a deep connection between herself, her hands, and the metal. She regards creating a single-piece teapot as a journey: the continual evolution of the metal stimulates her creativity, prompting her to explore new artistic possibilities. In 2022, her work was presented in several exhibitions, including La Galerie Espace (Montreal) and the Ruoshui Gallery (Taipei, Taiwan).